Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
Once again about the need to update lexical minima in the Russian as a foreign language requirements
The necessity of updating the lexical minima in the Requirements for Russian as a Foreign Language is substantiated. A detailed description of some lexical groups that reflect the changes that have taken place in the modern society, as well as lexical groups of TORFL-1 level, which are necessary for all students of preparatory departments for further education in Russian universities, is presented. Four lexical blocks that require updating are considered: the vocabulary that is in demand for the communication in the university academic environment; the vocabulary that ensures the use of technology and modern technologies; the scientific vocabulary, which is necessary for studying at a university; the linguistic terms. The author comes to the conclusion that the most popular groups are: the lexical units for communication with host organizations, the lexical units associated with ICT; the general scientific terms; the Russian grammatical lexical units that will help foreign students master the content of any scientific text.

Unity of the testological and methodological competence of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language
The professional competence of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language includes the methodological and testological components. The study notes their unity, draws parallels between their content. The professional competence of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language, along with the linguistic, sociocultural, psychological competence, includes the methodological competence, which acts in unity with the testological one. The study presents the requirements for testers. These requirements, according to the author, correlate with the professional portrait of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language, since they are largely identical: objectivity; observance of moral and legal standards and requirements of society; respect for student rights; correctness and restraint in public assessments; confidentiality of results and others. The conclusions emphasize the deep integration of linguodidactic testing into the educational process.

Approaches and principles in theory and practice of teaching the Russian language to foreigners at the present stage of development of linguodidactics
The research is devoted to approaches and principles as categories of the methodological level of teaching Russian as a foreign language. As an optimal and sufficiently verified approach to learning today, the author considers a communicative-activity approach, which is implemented as a personal-activity variant. Moreover, the deployment paradigm of which is set by three basic principles: anthropological, communicative and cognitive in their complex. The novelty of the research lies in the differentiation of functions of each of the principles.

The quality of preparatory faculties’ educational programs
The model of teaching foreign students at the preparatory faculties of Russian organizations of higher education is investigated. The specificity of the content of educational programs is revealed, the necessary pedagogical and organizational and methodological conditions for ensuring the quality of the implementation of additional general educational programs in Russian, the level of material and technical support of higher education organizations are characterized. The following conditions are determined aimed at improving the quality of educational programs: amendments to the existing legal acts governing the implementation of additional general educational programs that provide training for foreign citizens and stateless persons to master professional educational programs of higher education in Russian; introduction of a system of independent evaluation of the quality of educational programs; conducting public accreditation of educational programs; creation of a single bank of control and measuring materials for the final certification of graduates of preparatory faculties; organization of continuous professional development of teachers and employees of the educational organization involved in the educational process and work with foreign students; implementation of additional general educational programs in the network form; posting up-to-date information about ongoing programs on the organization’s website, on the Internet and in social networks.

Pre-masters’ training of foreign citizens as a program of professional development
The paper analyzes the current state of programs for preparing foreign citizens for the postgraduate stage of education in foreign and Russian universities. The author shows the discrepancy between the current status of such programs as general education programs and their real content, which fits into the mainstream of professional training, and gives an example of the curriculum of the development training program, which includes disciplines for preparing for the postgraduate stage.

Institute of additional education: Traditions and perspectives
The formation stages and the current state of pre-university training of foreign citizens at the Belarusian State University are considered. The achievements are noted, the prospects and main tasks for the further development of pre-university education are determined. The structure of the Institute of Additional Education created at the university in 2020 is presented. It is concluded that the creation of the Institute of Additional Education of the Belarusian State University made it possible to coordinate and intensify the work on the export of education, as well as to improve the quality of training of foreign citizens through the improvement of traditional and the introduction of the latest educational and information technologies into the educational process.

The priority of introducing “Computer science” discipline into the educational process in the formation of the curriculum for teaching foreign students at additional education programs
The experience of the preparatory faculty for foreign students of Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University in the formation of the curriculum is considered. The substantiation of the provision on the need to introduce «Computer Science» discipline as a base for all areas (profiles) of pre-university training is given. At the same time, the content of the discipline in terms of volume and topics should be completely different depending on the direction (profile). The early introduction of computer science into the educational process is substantiated. In conclusion, the authors come to the conclusion that the training of foreign citizens in additional general education programs with such a construction of the curriculum has a positive effect in mastering the entire program of the preparatory faculty.

Use of artificial intelligence technologies in the practice of teaching Russian as foreign language
The didactic potential of artificial intelligence systems, such as Alice’s voice assistant and chat bots, is considered. An analysis of the existing research on this topic is carried out and the experience of using artificial intelligence systems in Russian as a foreign language classes is given. The technology of a chatbot is revealed as a computer program designed to simulate a real dialogue between a virtual interlocutor and a user. The author concludes that artificial intelligence technologies at this stage are modern accessible teaching aids and do not compete with teachers. Despite great educational and cognitive potential, these technologies cannot replace live communication in the classroom, but they can make the process of learning Russian as a foreign language exciting and interesting.

Creation of multimedia materials of the “Speaking” section in the electronic educational and methodological course of A1 level
Regardless of the offline or online format of teaching Russian as a foreign language, it is necessary to bring the students into productive speech. The article deals with the issues of teaching foreign students dialogic speech offline or online. The authors analyze the tasks and exercises that were developed as a component of an electronic educational and methodological course. A set of dialogues of the «Speaking» section of the electronic course, designed for regular listening, is presented in the form of PowerPoint presentations with illustrated and voiced dialogues and dialogue simulators. The recommendations are formulated for the authors and developers of the electronic courses in Russian as a foreign language, as well as the principles for selecting communicative situations

Turbosite as a tool to develop a multimedia training manual of lexicographical (dictionary) type on teaching Russian gestures
The units of non-verbal language and the rules for their use should become the same object of study as the norms and rules of verbal language. The necessity of teaching a non-verbal language within the framework of the socio-cultural adaptation of foreigners studying Russian at the preparatory faculties of Russian universities is substantiated. A dictionary-type multimedia textbook can be an effective tool for teaching non-verbal communicative behavior. The main advantage of this book lies in the ability to create a Russian-speaking learning environment with a visual presentation of information. Due to its versatility, the multimedia textbook is both a reference publication and a tool for developing the communication skills of foreign students, which allows you to simultaneously solve the issues of adapting foreign phones in the Russian socio-cultural environment.

The use of humour in teaching business language to foreign students
The author examines the methods of optimizing the process of teaching business Russian to foreigners using humour as a means of activating cognitive interest and developing creative thinking in students. The study characterizes the stylistic appearance of business speech when acquiring the Russian language. The results of the applied methods show the students’ high ability to perceive humour and react to it adequately.

International student conference as a means of enhancing the efficiency of intercultural communication of foreign students
The role of international student conference as a special form of academic communication of foreign students in Russian is considered. The experience of holding a mixed (offline and online) form of an international student conference at Tver State University of Russian and foreign students of philology and students of translation is analyzed. The conclusion is made about the effectiveness of the format of a scientific international student conference in order to improve the level of Russian language proficiency of foreign students, as well as to develop the sustainable interest in the Russian language and culture.

Features of social and cultural adaptation of Arab students in Russian educational environment
The study is aimed at considering various types of adaptation of students from Arab countries to the Russian educational and sociocultural environment and identifying the features of the course of adaptation processes. Ethnocultural, linguistic, psychological problems of Arab students during the adaptation period in a Russian university are described. The recommendations are made for employees of educational institutions of higher education and teachers on taking into account the cultural and religious characteristics of students from Arab countries in order to minimize the negative impact of various types of adaptation on the educational process.

Thematic excursion for foreign students at the preparatory stage of training: Goals, objectives and content
The professional competence of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language includes the methodological and testological components. The study notes their unity, draws parallels between their content. The professional competence of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language, along with the linguistic, sociocultural, psychological competence, includes the methodological competence, which acts in unity with the testological one. The study presents the requirements for testers. These requirements, according to the author, correlate with the professional portrait of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language, since they are largely identical: objectivity; observance of moral and legal standards and requirements of society; respect for student rights; correctness and restraint in public assessments; confidentiality of results and others. The conclusions emphasize the deep integration of linguodidactic testing into the educational process.