Thematic excursion for foreign students at the preparatory stage of training: Goals, objectives and content
- Authors: Kharitonova O.V.1
- Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
- Issue: Vol 8, No 1 (2022)
- Pages: 75-79
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The professional competence of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language includes the methodological and testological components. The study notes their unity, draws parallels between their content. The professional competence of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language, along with the linguistic, sociocultural, psychological competence, includes the methodological competence, which acts in unity with the testological one. The study presents the requirements for testers. These requirements, according to the author, correlate with the professional portrait of a teacher of Russian as a foreign language, since they are largely identical: objectivity; observance of moral and legal standards and requirements of society; respect for student rights; correctness and restraint in public assessments; confidentiality of results and others. The conclusions emphasize the deep integration of linguodidactic testing into the educational process.
About the authors
Olga V. Kharitonova
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Author for correspondence.
PhD in Education, Associate Professor of Department of the Russian Language and Culture of Speech 36 Stremyanny lane, Moscow, Russian Federation, 117997
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