Vol 9, No 1 (2023)
From the editors of the special issue dedicated to the Year of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication in the CIS countries

Linguistic and poetic picture of the world: essence and differentiation
The given paper examines the phenomenon of the picture of the world and its varieties - conceptual, linguistic and poetic pictures of the world. The author differentiates these varieties, providing comparative examples of the interpretation of the world by the means of the national language. A characteristic is given of the poetic picture of the world, in which the experience of an individual poet who has influence on the entire national culture has been accumulated. The research puts forward the important thesis that poetry reflects a different reality, which is constructed through the prism of the poet’s linguistic consciousness and is the result of his spiritual activity, and the perception of a poetic text is an impact not only on the intellect, but also on emotions, on the aesthetic component of communication. Comparing the Russian and Belarusian pictures of the world, the author concludes that the Russian linguistic picture of the world is more characterized by the presence of “quality”, greater “anthropocentricity”, emotional loading, attachment not to the mental, but to the emotional sphere of a person.

The significance of the Slavic world and Slavic languages in the cultural space of Pridnestrovie
The paper raises the topical issue of the existence of the Slavic world and Slavic languages, and analyzes its role in the cultural space of the Pridnestrovian region. Slavs as a community exist thanks to the languages that originate from a common proto-Slavic root. The purpose of the reserach is to reflect the significance of the Slavic world and, accordingly, the Slavic language for the cultural life of Pridnestrovie. The Slavic language acts not only as a language of interethnic communication, but also as a cultural code of the specific Romano-Slavic culture of our region. Of no small importance is the veneration of the original Slavic values of the Orthodox peoples, which represent the sources of Slavic unity and contributes to the development of Slavic mentality, cultures and cohesion of peoples on the basis of historical and cultural heritage, community of traditions and spiritual values of man. The work uses the cultural-historical method. The origin of the Slavic culture is considered, when in the deep history the ancestors of the Slavs created a unique Vedic culture. We can say that the Slavic world and the Slavic language, respectively, are the basis for the mentality and existence of our people, but of course, the center of the Slavic world is Russia. Accordingly, the Russian language is the core language of the Slavic world, closely interacting with the Ukrainian and Moldovan languages, which are recognized as the three state languages in the Transnistrian region. This does not prevent us from contacting other languages, for example Bulgarian; this interaction enriches both the languages themselves and their native speakers, in whose minds these languages function. The preservation of the Slavic languages is the preservation of the people as a person.

The weapon code of culture in the Arabic language picture of the world
The proposed work identifies the role and features of the linguocultural code in the process of constructing a linguistic picture of the world. By analyzing the examples given, a description is given of how and in what way the knowledge about the world is processed in the consciousness of the native speakers of Arabic language and culture and what linguistic image of the world is formed among representatives of this ethnic group through the prism of the weapons code of culture, which is one of the priorities in the formation of a linguistic picture of the world by means of modern Arabic language. It is concluded that the ancient fragments of the image of the Arab world allow a bearer of a different culture to delve into the history and way of life of the ancient Arabs, and identifying the peculiarities of the interpretation of this code in the linguistic and cultural space of the Russian language allows us to reveal the features of Russian culture.

Nomen proprium transdisciplinary model
The topic of this study is at the intersection of philology, semiotics, hermeneutics and philosophy and has a rich research history for each of these areas. At the same time, none of these spheres of knowledge has a more or less unambiguous theory of a proper name that could satisfy the requirements of consistency and not conflict with the provisions of other hypotheses put forward by researchers of different eras and scientific fields. This state of affairs shows the need to use a transdisciplinary approach to the problem of studying the nomen proprium phenomenon and a possible methodology for its modeling. The transdisciplinary model of a proper name is implemented in this article based on the Mirology (according to V.I. Moiseev) as a type of knowledge in which all private knowledge about a nomen proprium, accumulated by the history of its research, is considered as part of integral knowledge. The nomen proprium modeling is suggested to be one of the aspects of the world-like system of the linguistic, socalled World of the Word, the essence of which are meaning (connotation), anthropo (humanness) and intentionality. On these grounds and by the natural laws of the implementation of the main types of speech activity (biological and physiological aspect), the existence of the word as the return of its meaning (psycho-cognitive aspect) and the word’s variability (communicative-pragmatic aspect) the author propose the transdisciplinary nomen proprium model. This model allows us to consider a proper name in the broad sense of its symbolic essence as a text, discourse and communication. Such an integral structure permits us to identify new directions in the nomen proprium phenomenon description and to present a comprehensive interpretation of already available in various scientific fields data.

A concentric approach to the preparation of foreign medical students for clinical practice in Russian
The paper is devoted to the topic of preparing foreign medical students to take clinical practice in medical institutions in Russian, which, according to the author, should be conducted on the basis of a concentric approach - repeated repetition and gradual expansion of the material presented to students. The system of preparation of English learning foreign medical students for the collection of anamnesis in patients at the Department of Russian and Belarusian Languages of Grodno State Medical University is considered: 1) at the initial stage of training as part of an introductory phonetic course, introduction of vocabulary with the names of the main parts of the body; 2) in the 1st year, introduction of vocabulary on the topic of “Health” (the name of symptoms, diseases, organs, specializations of doctors, medicines) and grammatical constructions with verbs “болеть I” (‘to be sick’) and “болеть II” (‘about pain’); in the 2nd year, preparing of students for the first patient interview at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases; 4) in the 3rd year, preparing for a full-fledged detailed interview of patients in the disciplines “Propaedeutics of internal Diseases”, “General Surgery” in four parts of the medical case reports: patient’s demographics, complaints, history of the present illness and past history; 5) in 4th year, assistance to students in overcoming specific problems they encounter when communicating with patients within a particular cycle of clinical disciplines by modeling speech situations of interviewing and examining patients. The analysis of the educational and methodological support of the department (textbooks, electronic educational-methodological complexes) was carried out and the prospects for further work on interdisciplinary coordination within the framework of the stated problem were determined.

The use of information technologies and techniques in the preparation of a working resource for student audience (using the example of Google cloud suite for education)
The research examines the role of information technology in modern education, especially in the context of using the Google Cloud for Education . Relevance . In the modern world, information technology plays an increasingly important role in education. The use of cloud services, such as Google for Education , is becoming increasingly popular among teachers and students. This allows you to eff organize the learning process, collaborate in real time and create learning materials. The purpose of this article is to consider the role of information technology in modern education, with an emphasis on the use of Google for Education . We tried to describe the functionality and capabilities of this service, as well as give examples of its use in the educational fi Materials and methods . The article provides information about the functionality and capabilities of Google for Education , provides examples of using the tools of the cloud package to create educational materials and collaboration between teachers and students. The result of using Google for Education is a more effi organization of the educational process, the possibility of teachers and students working together (both in classroom and during extracurricular classes), as well as defi it as a convenient tool for creating and storing educational materials. In conclusion , we summarize the use of Google Cloud Suite for Education tools in education, identify the positive and negative sides and note its importance in the modern educational process. In general, this technology can greatly facilitate the preparation and conduct of training sessions, as well as promote the development of cooperation and creative thinking of students.

Modern requirements for the content and structure of a textbook of Russian as a foreign language
The main problems of the existing textbooks on the Russian language approved for use by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus are the poverty of their methodological apparatus and the lack of consideration of the characteristics of modern youth, which leads to a decrease in the motivation of students, especially in conditions when vocational training is organized in English, and the Russian language is studied as one of the many academic subjects at the university. The purpose of the study is to identify the main problems in creating textbooks at the present stage of development of the methodology of teaching Russian to foreign students, as well as to determine the format and content of the textbook that would be most effective for achieving the main goal of teaching - the formation of communicative competence of foreign speakers. Theoretical analysis of pedagogical sources on the research topic and observation were used as the main research methods. As a result of the study the main problems in teaching Russian in a non-linguistic university have been identified, the necessity of designing a textbook taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process and the psychological characteristics of students has been proved, and the requirements for the content of a textbook of Russian as a foreign language, taking into account its functions, have been presented. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the forms and means of work described in it can be applied both in the practice of creating modern textbooks on a foreign language for non-philological specialties, and in the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language in a non-linguistic (medical) university.

Organization of work with non-equivalent, background and connotative vocabulary as a way of forming the linguistic and cultural competence of bilingual students
The topic of this research is at the intersection of philology, semantics, linguoculturology, comparative historical linguistics and has a rich research history for each of these areas. The study describes the methods and techniques of lexical work with non-equivalent, background and connotative vocabulary that contribute to the formation of linguistic and cultural competence of primary school students when mastering the Belarusian language in conditions of closely related bilingualism. An important thesis is put forward that for the successful assimilation of background vocabulary in the process of mastering a second language, explanations of a linguistic and cultural nature are necessary. Using comparative examples, the author proves that many words acquire symbolic meaning under the influence of the traditional cultural heritage of the native-speaking people.

The use of interactive task constructors when teaching Russian as a foreign language
The research is devoted to the problem of using innovative technologies in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language on the example of Internet services that allow you to independently develop interactive tasks in the Russian language. The study presents the experience of using the interactive task designer LearningApps in the organization of the educational process in the discipline “Russian as a foreign language” for groups with the English language of instruction at the Department of Russian and Belarusian Languages in the Grodno State Medical University in the Republic of Belarus. The possibilities and ways of introducing interactive tasks into electronic educational and methodical complexes in this discipline on the university educational portal Moodle are considered (http://edu.grsmu. by). The list of interactive tasks available in LearningApps is given (Classification, Chronological ruler, Find a pair, Fill in the table, Simple order, Text input, Sorting pictures, Qquiz with the choice of the correct answer, Fill in the gaps, Audio/video content, Words from letters, Quessing words, Jumps, Table of correspondences, etc.), attention is drawn on possible difficulties of a technical and linguistic nature in the development of interactive exercises, methodological recommendations are provided on the possible use of such tasks. The advantages and disadvantages of this constructor, the prospects for its further use are listed. In the article it is recommended to use interactive tasks to activate the cognitive activity of foreign students, develop their logical thinking, train visual memory, intensify, optimize and diversify the educational process, increase the motivation of students to study the Russian language, Russian and Belarusian culture.

The use of textual and lexical material for the development of communicative and speech skills of bilingual students: on the basis of the category of temporal relations
New pedagogical thinking requires such an organization of education, which, on the one hand, is aimed at the formation of a creative personality, on the other hand, is focused on the uniqueness of the individuality of each student. In this regard, the general didactic principles of scientific character, consciousness, visibility, continuity, accessibility are reviewed, and the principles of individualization and differentiation of learning become fundamental in the development of the individual, influencing fundamentally the selection of textual and lexical material, the methods of its presentation, consolidation and activation in the activities of students. The category of time and space in the Russian language is distinguished by the variety of linguistic expression, which is complicated due to the interfering influence of the native language of bilingual students. To teach bilingual students the means of expressing temporal relations, it is proposed to develop a Russian-Uzbek educational dictionary - a minimum of temporal vocabulary, a situational minimum, as well as to select textual material. The criteria for selecting texts are informative, educational and aesthetic value; harmonious correlation of Russian studies (country studies) and local history materials; problematic and entertaining; communicative motivation; taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of students; natural elevation by the studied means of expressing temporal relations. When working with a minimum educational vocabulary of temporal vocabulary, it is necessary to proceed primarily from the criteria of relevance, communicative significance, semantic value, consideration of the native language, word-formation and compatibility possibilities of the word, frequency, thematic and accessibility.

The meaning of the names of literary characters in translation into Russian in Chyngyz Aitmatov’s novel “When mountains fall”
The study is devoted to some stylistic features of the novel “When Mountains Fall”, in which the Kyrgyz word performs the function of an artistic device that gives a national flavor to the narrative. In his latest novel, the writer has changed the nature of perception of reality, he conveys the author’s sense of collapse, the destruction of folk traditions and people’s relationships. The author shows that the Kyrgyz word, names in a work of fiction are a decoding of the meaning of the novel. Analyzing the fate of the heroes of the works of Ch. Aitmatov, the author comes to the conclusion that they are deeply complex and dramatic and love always wins and passes as a saving and healing force from all adversities and lifts a person above all difficulties and trials, helping the hero to resist them.

Linear aspectuality of perfection and occasionality of literary heroes
The study is an opportunity to attract the attention of students who study in the Russian and Moldavian languages to the works of Pushkin and Negruzi, Russian and Moldavian classics. The study explores the linear aspectuality of perfection and occasionality of literary characters in the context of the short story “Calypso” by Negruzi, solving the problem of successfully studying the short story and archival, historical and everyday materials in two languages. The purpose of the study is to analyze and compare the literary approach and the facts of the heroes’ lives, as well as to draw the attention to the socio-historical connections of the time and the invisible connection of the masters of words - Pushkin, Byron and Negruzi. The study also aims at intriguing and interesting the students in the Bessarabian period of Pushkin’s work (link 1820-1823), as well as to captivate people of different nationalities with the study of the work of Pushkin and Negruti in two languages. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to compare the information from the text of Negruzi’s short story with Pushkin’s letters, as well as archival materials from Trubetskoy’s book; to attract the students to study the Russian and Moldavian literary sources; based on the facts, to prove the consistency of the novella in the realities of life. The relevance of this topic comes from the desire to involve as many people as possible in reading and studying the works of Pushkin, getting acquainted with the works of Negruzi, to the permanent and necessary rapprochement of bilingualism, dialogue in two languages, to strengthen the ties of national communities and in-depth study of state languages.

First in the history of philology: Institute of Russian Language of RUDN University held the I International Linguocultural Forum