A concentric approach to the preparation of foreign medical students for clinical practice in Russian
- Authors: Pustoshilo E.P.1
- Grodno State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 9, No 1 (2023)
- Pages: 34-40
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://hlrsjournal.ru/russian-test/article/view/38165
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The paper is devoted to the topic of preparing foreign medical students to take clinical practice in medical institutions in Russian, which, according to the author, should be conducted on the basis of a concentric approach - repeated repetition and gradual expansion of the material presented to students. The system of preparation of English learning foreign medical students for the collection of anamnesis in patients at the Department of Russian and Belarusian Languages of Grodno State Medical University is considered: 1) at the initial stage of training as part of an introductory phonetic course, introduction of vocabulary with the names of the main parts of the body; 2) in the 1st year, introduction of vocabulary on the topic of “Health” (the name of symptoms, diseases, organs, specializations of doctors, medicines) and grammatical constructions with verbs “болеть I” (‘to be sick’) and “болеть II” (‘about pain’); in the 2nd year, preparing of students for the first patient interview at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases; 4) in the 3rd year, preparing for a full-fledged detailed interview of patients in the disciplines “Propaedeutics of internal Diseases”, “General Surgery” in four parts of the medical case reports: patient’s demographics, complaints, history of the present illness and past history; 5) in 4th year, assistance to students in overcoming specific problems they encounter when communicating with patients within a particular cycle of clinical disciplines by modeling speech situations of interviewing and examining patients. The analysis of the educational and methodological support of the department (textbooks, electronic educational-methodological complexes) was carried out and the prospects for further work on interdisciplinary coordination within the framework of the stated problem were determined.
About the authors
Elena P. Pustoshilo
Grodno State Medical University
Author for correspondence.
Email: elenapustosilo@mail.ru
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Russian and Belarusian Languages Grodno, Republic of Belarus
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