The use of information technologies and techniques in the preparation of a working resource for student audience (using the example of Google cloud suite for education)
- Authors: Hakobyan A.S.1
- Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University
- Issue: Vol 9, No 1 (2023)
- Pages: 41-48
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The research examines the role of information technology in modern education, especially in the context of using the Google Cloud for Education . Relevance . In the modern world, information technology plays an increasingly important role in education. The use of cloud services, such as Google for Education , is becoming increasingly popular among teachers and students. This allows you to eff organize the learning process, collaborate in real time and create learning materials. The purpose of this article is to consider the role of information technology in modern education, with an emphasis on the use of Google for Education . We tried to describe the functionality and capabilities of this service, as well as give examples of its use in the educational fi Materials and methods . The article provides information about the functionality and capabilities of Google for Education , provides examples of using the tools of the cloud package to create educational materials and collaboration between teachers and students. The result of using Google for Education is a more effi organization of the educational process, the possibility of teachers and students working together (both in classroom and during extracurricular classes), as well as defi it as a convenient tool for creating and storing educational materials. In conclusion , we summarize the use of Google Cloud Suite for Education tools in education, identify the positive and negative sides and note its importance in the modern educational process. In general, this technology can greatly facilitate the preparation and conduct of training sessions, as well as promote the development of cooperation and creative thinking of students.
About the authors
Armen S. Hakobyan
Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University
Author for correspondence.
Associate Professor of the Mehrabyan Medical College; Full member (Academician) of the International Academy of Neuroscience, senior lecturer of the Department of Russian Language and Professional Communication Yerevan, Republic of Armenia
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