The use of textual and lexical material for the development of communicative and speech skills of bilingual students: on the basis of the category of temporal relations
- Authors: Tsoy M.K.1
- Uzbekistan State World Languages University
- Issue: Vol 9, No 1 (2023)
- Pages: 68-75
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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New pedagogical thinking requires such an organization of education, which, on the one hand, is aimed at the formation of a creative personality, on the other hand, is focused on the uniqueness of the individuality of each student. In this regard, the general didactic principles of scientific character, consciousness, visibility, continuity, accessibility are reviewed, and the principles of individualization and differentiation of learning become fundamental in the development of the individual, influencing fundamentally the selection of textual and lexical material, the methods of its presentation, consolidation and activation in the activities of students. The category of time and space in the Russian language is distinguished by the variety of linguistic expression, which is complicated due to the interfering influence of the native language of bilingual students. To teach bilingual students the means of expressing temporal relations, it is proposed to develop a Russian-Uzbek educational dictionary - a minimum of temporal vocabulary, a situational minimum, as well as to select textual material. The criteria for selecting texts are informative, educational and aesthetic value; harmonious correlation of Russian studies (country studies) and local history materials; problematic and entertaining; communicative motivation; taking into account the psychological and age characteristics of students; natural elevation by the studied means of expressing temporal relations. When working with a minimum educational vocabulary of temporal vocabulary, it is necessary to proceed primarily from the criteria of relevance, communicative significance, semantic value, consideration of the native language, word-formation and compatibility possibilities of the word, frequency, thematic and accessibility.
About the authors
Marina K. Tsoy
Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Author for correspondence.
Lecturer at the Department of Modern Russian language Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
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