Vol 10, No 1 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 7
- URL: https://hlrsjournal.ru/russian-test/issue/view/1775
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/3034-2090-2024-10-1
Full Issue
Testing systems in modern language education
Test of Russian as an official language in Kyrgyzstan: Formation and development of the national testing system in the Russian language
The paper is devoted to the problem of designing a nationally oriented level-based testing system for Russian as a foreign language and as a non-native language using a cultural approach in teaching on the example of Kyrgyzstan. The authors review the stages of the development of the language proficiency level system in Russian as an official language (TROL) within the framework of the KYRGYZTEST program. They described the test tasks based on the texts and words with a national-cultural component in the context of the cultural paradigm. The authors substantiated an important thesis about the need for meaningful filling of textual material with fragments of a cultural nature that describe the country of the student and can be related to their life experience, which makes the language test more interesting and emotionally significant. The design of test tasks involves linguodidactic selection of material, analysis of the similarities and differences of systemic phenomena in contacting languages and cultures, and mandatory consideration of the specifics of their functioning in expressing meaning.

Similarities and differences in the structure and content of testing systems in Russian as a foreign language in Russia and China
Russian as a foreign language testing systems in Russia and China are compared using the example of the first certification level (TORFL-1) and the Chinese Russian test (Fourth level). The structure and content of Russian as a foreign language testing in both countries are analyzed, their differences and similarities are revealed, and an attempt is made to explain why Russian teachers pay more attention to oral speech in the learning process, while Chinese teachers pay more attention to written speech and grammar. As follows from the comparative analysis conducted in the article, according to the rules of the TORFL-1/B1, more points and time are given for the «Speaking» subtest, and in Russian universities at intermediate certifications, most exams and tests are conducted orally, therefore, in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language, Russian teachers can focus specifically on the development of oral speech. Russian Language Testing program developers-4 (TRA-4) pay more attention to grammar, therefore, Chinese teachers may pay less attention to oral speech during Russian test training. A comparative characteristic of the tactics of conducting intermediate certifications according to the level of mastery of RCT in Russian universities and in Chinese is also given. It is concluded that the nature of education and priorities in teaching aspects of language and types of speech activity may depend on control, including state standardized testing.

Innovative technologies in language education
Cognitive technologies in language education
Modern technology is capable of dictating new conditions for education, as well as changing the behavior patterns of students. Neural networks have not bypassed school classrooms and have become a new unique tool for solving homework. The purpose of this article is to review and analyze the emerging trend in the use of neural networks by students to do their homework. Research methodology included: collecting and systematization of data from different information sources within the framework of the indicated problem, analysis of the obtained data, their processing and interpretation. This article explores the experience of Russian schoolchildren using neural networks. By analyzing news articles from various news portals, we describe examples of school students’ use of neural networks for solving educational tasks in the humanities and technical disciplines. An analysis of different points of view on the emerging trend is also conducted. In addition, the reasons for popularizing neural network technologies among Russian schoolchildren are discussed. The outcome of the research is an attempt to model further developments in the trend of using neural networks by schoolchildren in educational work based on the obtained data. The paper concludes by stating that using neural networks as a tool for doing homework is no longer a technology of the future, but a technology of reality. Neural networks come to the aid of schoolchildren, allowing them to solve problems in various subjects more effectively. Thus, neural network technologies are becoming an integral part of the modern school era, enabling Russian schoolchildren to successfully cope with the tasks which the system of Russian school education puts before them, and giving the system of Russian education itself a reason for further modernization and adaptation to the conditions which the modern reality dictates to it.

Language education and testing: educational and methodological support
The problem of cultural representations in the Italian educational and methodological complexes for Russian as a foreign language
The study is devoted to the problematic aspects of using linguoculturological and linguo-country approaches in the creation of educational and methodological complexes in Russian as a foreign language using the Italian example. The author identifies the critical points of the identified approaches based on content analysis and discourse analysis of a target sample consisting of three educational and methodological complexes published in Italy from 2011 to 2023 and focused on levels A1 to B2 according to the CEFR system. The author gives a critical assessment of the inclusion of cultural elements in educational and methodological complexes for Russian as a foreign language, and also identifies important points that must be taken into account when developing such complexes. The importance of using, instead of linguo-country and linguocultural approaches, a critical approach to the interpretation of culture, taking into account all its complexity and versatility, is emphasized. Authors involved in the development of educational and methodological complexes in Russian as a foreign language are recommended to include cultural aspects in their works, while, on the one hand, observing the requirements for levels of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language, and on the other hand, avoiding conveying to learners essentialized or stereotypical information about Russian culture. Non-essentialized and diverse cultural representation allows for an emphasis on modernity and the abandonment of stereotypes.

Presenting a scientific text to a foreign audience of B1-B2 Russian test proficiency level
This research is carried out in line with modern linguistic works that study scientific and educational scientific texts from both linguistic and linguodidactic points of view. A systematic approach to the problem allows us to analyze the specifics of multi-profile and interdisciplinary educational tests, to draw conclusions that their functional parameters are determined by two main factors: the nature of the content and the way of presentation - considering the linguistic features that distinguish them from other academic scientific texts. The relevance of the research is related to the importance of the issues raised in the study of the educational scientific text, with the need to identify the appropriate metalanguage forms and functional specifics of their implementation in certain types of educational text. In the article, the authors refer to various types of educational scientific text aimed at foreign students with a level of proficiency in the B1-B2 language, draw attention to their terminological significance and undoubted linguodidactic value and analyze in detail their functional potential. When selecting and adapting educational scientific texts of various types focused on the B1-B2 levels, it is necessary to consider the complexity and authenticity of the lexical material, including the definitional one. The volume of the submitted scientific text should also be considered. The authors draw conclusions about the certain effectiveness of presenting several small texts on the topic, rather than analyzing one voluminous one. From a linguodidactic point of view, this allows you to change activities, switch attention and generally make all work more productive. Thus, working with scientific text of various profiles, taking into account the creative orientation of students, the active use of visibility, attention to functional potential and linguistic and didactic parameters allow us to make classes in Russian as a foreign language meaningful and productive in terms of studying the specifics of scientific text at the B1-B2 level.

Scientific debut
Development of skills in identifying communicatively relevant language means among foreign students in the process of learning the Russian language
Important components of communicative competence are the skills of selecting communicatively relevant language means: skills of analyzing a communicative situation, assessing the semantic potential of a word, determining the composition of the semantic valences of a language unit, as well as reflecting on the effectiveness of the implemented utterance and self-editing in case of incorrect or inaccurate speech use. The influence of a multicommunicative sociocultural environment, the transfer of weak speech self-regulation from the experience of interaction in their native language, insufficient methodological attention to the development of the above skills within the framework of teaching Russian as a foreign language leads to significant difficulties for foreign students in determining appropriate language units, which is reflected in numerous lexicons-semantic, lexical-grammatical, lexical-stylistic violations. This necessitates the development of methodological tools that can eliminate or prevent student errors. In this article, we identify the components of the ability to appropriately use speech means, and also analyze the oral statements of foreign students (basic level of proficiency in the Russian test) in order to determine the types and mechanisms of errors associated with the choice of communicatively relevant language units. Based on the results of the analysis, directions for corrective and developmental work are proposed, as well as examples of exercises aimed at developing the lexical and semantic competencies of foreign students are given.

Lexical interference or what to pay attention to when preparing Spanish-speaking students for the subtest “Writing”
International integration and globalization are among the decisive factors in increasing the demand for knowledge of foreign languages. International exams and tests provide the opportunity to confirm proficiency in foreign language communicative competencies. In particular, Russian as a foreign language can be difficult even for foreigners who speak it confidently. The object of scientific interest is lexical interference as a result of the imposition of the Russian and Spanish systems on each other due to the erroneous identification of units of the lexical fund by native speakers of Spanish, due to a lack of knowledge about accepted language norms and lexical compatibility, as well as due to insufficient methodological support for the maintenance and development of productive type of speech activity. Writing is one of the most difficult tasks when preparing for the TORFL, as it requires a large vocabulary and the ability to select and find words for a certain style and other speech conditions. Our study provides an analysis of written statements on various topics by foreign students, native Spanish speakers, of high levels in order to determine interference features at the lexical level. Based on the results obtained, primary methodological recommendations are provided for overcoming the issue under consideration and the development of lexical-semantic competencies of the target audience.