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The work examines the relationship between general relativity and gravitational mechanics from a metaphysical point of view. The analysis leads to the conclusion that curved space-time (more precisely, its curvature) is the cause of particle dynamics. A scheme of reasoning is proposed that leads to a similar conclusion for the case of relational theory. The scheme uses transitions from the metaphysical level to the ontological level and back, taking into account the one-to-one correspondence of concepts and terms. In the relational paradigm, analysis of the relationship between relational theory and field theory leads to the conclusion that relational particles (more precisely, correlations between them) are a measure of field dynamics.

About the authors

A. G. Zhilkin

Institute of Astronomy RAS

Author for correspondence.

доктор физико-математических наук, доцент, ведущий научный сотрудник Института астрономии РАН.

48 Pyatnitskaya St, Moscow, 119017, Russian Federation


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