- Authors: Krugly A.L.1
- Scientific Research Institute for System Analyses of the RAS
- Issue: No 1 (2023)
- Pages: 62-71
- URL:
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The main model of the nonrelativistic statistical physics is the microstate at the moment of time. But in the relativistic case we cannot correctly define such microstate. We must consider a statistical physics of microstates in 4-dimensional volumes. The simple model of a finite set of point like elementary events is considered. The principle of least action means that the macroscopic process chooses the variant with maximum probability. Each elementary event has a low probability. Then the variant of process is most probable if it consists of the minimum of elementary events. An integral of a scalar curvature over a 4-dimensional volume is the number of elementary events. A mass of a particle is the number of elementary events in the unit of time. The electromagnetic terms in the action are the number of connections of elementary events.
About the authors
A. L. Krugly
Scientific Research Institute for System Analyses of the RAS
36, build. 1, Nahimovskiy Pr., Moscow, 117218, Russian Federation
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