- Authors: Ponkcinski M.1
- The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Issue: No 3 (2022)
- Pages: 172-179
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article is devoted to various aspects of the analysis of the conflict and ways of dialogue on its resolution in the conditions of mass availability of information. The author considers it possible to assess the situation that has arisen as a “new Middle Ages”, which is caused by an overabundance of information, and not its lack, and raises the question of a new type of conflict, different from the former “ideological” or “philosophical”. The focus is on such problems as: the search for grounds in the field of theoretical law that could connect the parties to the “anthropological” conflict, belonging to different geographical and cultural spaces; identification of spatial and temporal coordinates of the limits of the influence of cultures and civilizations, regardless of political and economic relations. The importance of the contextual discussion between the parties of the anthropological or civilizational dispute about the place of a person on the axis of the opposition of the “whole” and “many parts”, taking into account the influence of the geopolitics of emotion, is emphasized.
About the authors
Marek Ponkcinski
The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences72 Nowy Świat, 00-330, Warszawa, Poland
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