- Authors: Balakshin O.B1
- Institute of Mechanical Engineering. A.A. Blagonravova Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: No 3 (2021)
- Pages: 92-117
- URL:
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Metaphysical numerical methods of self-organization of natural systems of Nature, their interdisciplinary connections and models are investigated. They are confirmed by a number of examples and facts, predict informational beginnings and the sequence of formation of material systems of Nature. The facts relate to the chemical elements of the Universe, plants and living systems in health and disease. Their structural periods of self-organization coincide or have common roots. Systems have a “end-to-end” similarity of everything with everything on the basis of the principle of self-similarity and unlimited two-way connection of structural parameters. It is shown that the Abelian Group, the basis of self-organization of systems, allows you to systematize models based on the unity of their origins. The concept of natural self-organization of systems predicts the chemical elements of the Universe and the existence (or appearance) of other civilizations in the world under similar external conditions.
About the authors
O. B Balakshin
Institute of Mechanical Engineering. A.A. Blagonravova Russian Academy of Sciences4 Maly Kharitonevsky Lane, Moscow, 101830, Russian Federation
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