- Authors: Siparov S.V1
- State University of Civil Aviation
- Issue: No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 147-165
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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Anisotropic geometrodynamics contains all the known results of the general relativity theory. It also makes it possible to interpret a number of observations of the last decades without introducing new entities, but due to a change in the mathematical apparatus, and predicts the observed effects, that have not yet been interpreted. To further test the theory, an experiment is proposed, for which a theory is developed and basic observations are made. An analysis of the data obtained in the course of monitoring observations of 49 astrophysical masers (22 GHz) is presented. It is shown that the results obtained are not a consequence of instrumental errors, geophysical conditions, fluctuations in the interstellar medium, or local conditions in the vicinity of the maser. The interpretation of the observed effect is based on the phenomenon of optical-metric parametric resonance created by the action of gravitational radiation from distant short-period binaries. The stellar systems that satisfy the given conditions are revealed.
About the authors
S. V Siparov
State University of Civil Aviation
38 Pilotov St., Saint Petersburg, 196210, Russian Federation
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