- Authors: Kruglyi A.L1
- Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis, RAS
- Issue: No 2 (2020)
- Pages: 71-81
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://hlrsjournal.ru/metaphysics/article/view/26211
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2224-7580-2020-2-71-81
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The consequences of the Wheeler hypothesis that bits are the primary elements of the universe are considered, provided that it is true. An information model of the universe should be created, as a hierarchy of information models of phenomena, which should be based on a single information theory of the microworld. The information model of the universe is relational from a physical point of view and idealistic from a philosophical one. According to a minimal assessment, the performance of a proton, as an information processing process, is comparable to the most powerful supercomputers, which gives an idea of the informational complexity of phenomena. To build information models of complex phenomena, it is necessary to develop a concept of the meaning of information as a physical characteristic. Physics develops along the path of identifying and analyzing elementary cause-effect relationships. The development of systems for working with big data opens up an alternative opportunity to study complex correlations and cause-effect relationships of phenomena that are currently out of sight, and to build relevant information models. Based on these models, it is possible to develop technologies for managing natural phenomena as information interaction. The information model of the universe leads to a view of universal evolution as an information process that can go into the stage of evolution of purely informational beings and the intelligent control of the universe.
About the authors
A. L Kruglyi
Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis, RASMoscow, Russian Federation
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