- Authors: Zhilkin A.G1
- Institute of Astronomy RAS
- Issue: No 2 (2020)
- Pages: 34-49
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The paper discusses the principle of complete absorption, which plays the same role in relational theory as the principle of equivalence in general relativity and the principle of waveparticle duality in quantum theory. The physical essence of this principle boils down to the fact that a sufficiently large number of particles must be present in the Universe so that complete absorption of radiation from any source is possible. This implies complete equivalence, from the experimental point of view, of direct interparticle interaction and the interaction carried by a local field in spacetime. It is noted that in its classical interpretation the Fokker variational principle, on which the theory of direct interparticle interaction is based, contains a dilemma caused by two mutually contradictory necessary properties of the interaction action. One of the options for overcoming this dilemma is proposed.
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