- Authors: Babenko I.A1, Vladimirov Y.S1,2
- Institute of Gravity and Cosmology, RUDN University
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Issue: No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 69-81
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article compares the descriptions of gravitational and electromagnetic interactions in two physical and theoretical paradigms: geometric and relational. On the one hand, the general theory of relativity and the 5-dimensional geometric theory of Kaluza and, on the other hand, the relational theory of electro-gravity are compared. The comparison describes the parallel manifestations of all the “four miracles” of Salam in two physical and theoretical approaches. Based on the relational concepts, it is shown that three types of the considered interactions - electromagnetic, scalar and gravitational - in the theory of electrogravity have a derivative character from electromagnetism. The idea is expressed that in the twentieth century, physics could develop mainly within the framework of the relational paradigm.
About the authors
I. A Babenko
Institute of Gravity and Cosmology, RUDN University3, Ordzhonikidze St., Moscow, 115419, Russian Federation
Yu. S Vladimirov
Institute of Gravity and Cosmology, RUDN University; Lomonosov Moscow State University3, Ordzhonikidze St., Moscow, 115419, Russian Federation; Leninskie Gory, Moscow 119991, Russian Federation
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