- Authors: Katasonov V.N1
- Ss Syrill and Methodius Institute for Advanced Studies
- Issue: No 3 (2022)
- Pages: 26-45
- URL:
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The article discusses the twists and turns of the history of formulation of the inertia principle of classical mechanics and their dependence on the theological concepts of their time. The points of view on the movement and inertia of Aristotle, the authors of late scholasticism, Galileo, Descartes and Newton are subject to discussion. The fundamental concepts of classical mechanics are also compared with the tradition of Protestant theology.
About the authors
V. N Katasonov
Ss Syrill and Methodius Institute for Advanced Studies
Email: 26
1 build., 4/2 Piatnizkaya St, Moscow, 115035, Russian Federation
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